Live On is the endowment fund of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The fund was established in 1999 to support the Synod’s priorities. Together, we are developing Lutheran leadership through a culture of generosity.
Live On is making a difference: Scholarships for our Synod’s seminarians are fully funded—no new student debt–and Lutheran campus ministries are thriving. We are planting new churches and supporting emerging congregations, and our seed money grants are inviting innovation and supporting creative ministries.
These funds come from generous donations from estates, congregational endowment funds and legacy giving.
Live On currently has assets of approximately $2.7 million invested in ELCA Endowment Fund Pooled Trust – Fund A, which provides a long-term investment fund with distributions to support ministry. Since inception, Live On has distributed grants totaling $900,000. In its most recent semi-annual grant cycle, the Live On board approved grants of about $48,000.
Fund A allows for the collective long-term investment of funds belonging to the ELCA and its affiliated ministries. Fund A follows, to the extent practical, the ELCA’s guidelines for socially responsible investing, which discourages investments in companies that profit from the production of alcohol, military weapons and pornography, for example. Instead, it seeks positive social investments, directing capital to underserved markets, such as community development and renewable energy.