Here you will want to give visitors a brief overview of what they can expect when attending a worship service. Sample text has been provided, but we recommend that you fully personalize it to your churchs unique characteristics.
Sample text:
Every church is different! If you are coming to our church for the first time, you may have some questions. If your questions aren’t answered here, don’t hesitate to contact us.
How should I dress?
You will find that our church community is comfortable dressing in many different ways. You will find some people dressed in jeans and T-shirts, while others wear their Sunday best, and everything in between. We welcome you to dress however you feel most comfortable.
Where should I park and where do I enter the building?
When you first arrive at our church, you will want to park in the parking lot. Once you park, you can head straight for the entrance beneath the banner, where you will be welcomed by one of greeters.
What is the worship service like?
Our Sunday morning service usually begins with a welcome from the pastor and an opening prayer. After greeting one another, we move into a time of music and prayer, followed by a sermon. We then share communion before singing a final song and receiving a blessing. After the service, we gather in the Fellowship Hall for light refreshments. A normal Sunday service usually lasts for one hour.
Are there any classes for my children during the service?
Yes, when you first enter the church, you will be invited to take your children to the classes designed especially for them.