LSU: pilgrimage, sacred meals

By Pastor Mike Button

Over the last twelve months we’ve had 10 students and young adults regularly participating in Lutheran Campus Ministry at Louisiana State University.

Last summer, four students, Nancy Heck from St. Paul Lutheran Church and I joined the synod’s Peru pilgrimage. Our students had a great time traveling and working alongside a dozen students from Texas A&M. Thanks to the generous support of the synod and St. Paul, all expenses were covered for our students.

During the academic year, we met on Tuesday evenings at restaurants near the LSU campus for sacred meals and holy conversation.

The support we’ve received from the synod and from St. Paul have been God-sent.

For the coming year, I would like to hire a part-time campus ministry assistant. This would, I hope, be a full-time student who could help facilitate gatherings, keep us current as a student organization, and plug us into campus events and programming.